Two former members of the WT movement, one of whom, James Penton, served in a senior capacity as head of the Canadian branch, have written about this teaching, which for want of a better expression is called the "Mystery Doctrine"
Writing in his book, "Apocalypse Delayed" Penton tells us: "The Mystery, as understood by Russell, meant that not only had Jesus offered himself as a ransom sacrifice for mankind, but the body of Christ, the 144,000 members of his church also participated in the ransoming and atoning work" [pg 40] He further elaborated : "Russell felt that the mediator for the New Covenant was "the Christ" That expression meant, of course that the 144,000 actually paticipated in Christ's sacrifice for the world" [see pg 187 of "Apocalypse Delayed"]
This doctrine, which has never been discussed publically since the death of JF Rutherford, but which, equally, has not been repudiated either, teaches that the word "Christ" refers to a Person, the One we universally know as Jesus, but the expression "The Christ" has been invested with a seperate, deeper and almost sinister,meaning. It refers to the "Christ Class" those making up the 144,000 plus Jesus .
Edmund Gruss, the other ex-WT follower I referred to in the opening paragraph, in his book, "The Four Presidents Of The WTS" devotes an entire chapter to this monstrous teaching. He recounts meeting Freddy Franz, the self-appointed "oracle" for Jay Hoofer, who, when asked to elaborate on this teaching, refused to do so, unless Gruss admitted to being of the "anointed" This telling reaction indicates the secretive nature of this teaching as maintained by the WTS, and the way it is viewed by those claiming to be of the "Anointed"
It is true that Col 1:27 speaks of the "mystery which is now among the Gentiles, ie, which is Christ in you" This is not the bit that creates this doctrine, although the WTS indicates to those putting it under scrutiny that it is in fact so. Oh no. The real dangerous bit is the next phrase, as translated by FFranz esq, the One-and-only Oracle of Jay Hoofer hisself. The last phrase in the Greek is "The hope of glory" [See NASB, NIV, JB, AV, NKJV etc]
Freddy however felt that the inclusion of "his" in brackets [As in "The hope of [his] glory"] was needed to complete the sense. With that almost innocuous and unobtrusive insertion into the text, Franz shifted the expectation of the anointed from glory in the abstract, to the glory that belongs to Christ exclusively. In a sense therefore, taking on His Glory, they become Him, hence correctly termed "The Christ"
In researching this teaching Gruss unearthed the WT of June 15, 1911, where we find this gem of wisdom: "This Christ is composed of many members. This age will end when the full number of the "elect" shall have been found and tested. Then the body will have been completed.When the Messiah is complete, The Christ will be complete" [reprints, pg 4841]
The last public statement made about this teaching was back in 1927 in "The Harp of God", JFR's opus. This is what he said [pg 202]: "The Christ is a composite body made up of many members" He argued that it was through "this Christ" and not the Person we know as Jesus Christ, that the blessings to humankind must come.
Duane Magnani, who also made a study of this doctrine mentions that in the WT of 15 June 1942, [pg 188] the R&F were cautioned not to call the anointed "the Christ" yet, he says, the teaching was never officially repudiated. It has been retained to this day, but secretly.
By this truly arrogant and and Biblically inept teaching, the WTS leadership has permitted itself to slide into a cesspool of conceit and theological manure, and by covetting a glory that is not for them to possess, they are displaying the attitude of him who is their real spiritual father, the one who wanted to be as god,and for whom eternal judgment awaits.
Hope this helps